hostelbookers.com 預訂了房間,大概是因為網絡不濟或其他甚麼原因,一直沒收到確認信。其實已經心知不妙,但又竟然「大安旨意」,甚麼都不管,泡在Chitchen Itza一整天。那天結束我在 Chitchen Itza 的旅行,就坐上巴士到Merida去,抵達的時候,已經是夜晚。跳上的士 (第一次在墨西哥坐的士!因為在巴士站,有個專門登記甚麼人要乘的士到哪裡去的登記站,感覺安全。當然價錢比在街上攔車要貴),按地址找到本來想要入住的小旅館,原來對方真的沒有收到訂房通知。還好尚有房間。第一晚是住在沒有浴室的單人房 (反正有床就OK),第二晚就入住本來想要訂的連浴室套房。
就是住在這間叫 Hostal Zócalo 的小旅館。
About Hostal Zocalo
Hostal Zócalo, the former home of José Peón Contreras (famed playwright, poet, physician and politician) is located on the main square ("plaza mayor" or "zocalo") of Mérida - the laid-back colonial capital of the Yucatán State. Merida is the ideal base for exploring the Yucatan, and the quietly elegant Hostel Zocalo is a perfect place for kicking back to relax after spending full days roaming around ancient Mayan cities and archaeological sites (Chichen Itza, Uxmal, Kabah, Labna, Sayil and Xlapak), revisiting colonial history of the Spanish Conquestadors, touring one of the old Haciendas (henequen plantations), swimming in spectacular natural wells (cenotes), or just simply marvelling in the diverse cultures and colourful fauna and flora of our Yucatán peninsula.
旅館附近的景色 |
We're at Calle 63, between Calles 60 and 62. Next door to "Casa de Montejo."
From one of the bus stations downtown (CAME/ADO, TAME or Noreste) a taxi will cost about $25 to $30 pesos. Or it's just a 10 minute walk. Ask someone to point you in the direction of "Plaza Grande", or "Zocalo." Streets are numbered consecutively.
From ADO Fiesta Americana a taxi is easiest, but if it's still early in the day, any local city bus with "Centro" as a destination will bring you to within 4 blocks or so, then it's just a 3 minute walk.
From the Merida Airport, a taxi is your best option. It shouldn't cost more than $140 pesos. Choose one with a "taximetro" sign for a lower rate. Ask and agree to the fare before boarding if possible.
1. 大宅的歷史背景
2. 地利 (市中心,非常好找)
3. 便宜
4. 網上評語還OK
第一晚住的房間一角 |
好了,這個旅館,衛生程度還可以 (雖然我在洗手間的窗邊看到一條蟻路,管它,反正沒有蟑螂、四腳蛇就可以)。水溫也可以。不過,可怕的事情就發生了。洗澡的當兒,忽然,燈就全黑了。是全黑。伸手不見五指。困在洗手間,我在想,等一會就好。然後,好像過了幾千分鐘,仍然是黑啊。洗濕了頭,應該包條毛巾衝出去呢,還是應該怎麼樣。我心想。(應變力好明顯是...差!)才包好了毛巾,就聽到房外吵吵嚷嚷的西班牙語呀英語呀。店主人說,大概因為附近有工程,所以影響了電力。等一會就好。也果然,很快便修好了。繼續第二回合的洗澡。洗不很久,又突然全黑了。雖然已經有心理準備,但還是讓它嚇了一嚇。心想怎麼又要斷電呢,媽的,但有了經驗,竟然夠膽摸黑繼續沖下去,也不耐煩又跑出去擾攘。
如果還有朋友要到墨西哥,碰巧也是要到Merida,我還是覺得這個小旅館是可以一住的。(早餐有好吃的奄列 :D)。當然,像我這樣一個人旅行,我習慣住的是設浴室的獨立套房。這裡跟陌生人同住的大房,睡的是碌架床,沒有獨立浴室,價錢可以平至7到8元美金一晚。我自己住的房間呢,也不過是廿多元 (一個人住雙人房的價格)。
PS. Zócalo 在墨西哥,就好像西班牙的Plaza Mayor,主廣場的意思。旅館坐落於這樣的市中心地帶,讓所有路痴都不用擔心會迷路!:D